Sunday, 15 December 2013

Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover - Review


Once I finished Hopeless by Colleen Hoover, I added Losing Hope straight away in my shopping cart. But of course, at the time Losing Hope was still not out, so I had to wait until end of October for the paperback copy to come out in Australia. Whilst I adored Hopeless, I still had questions unanswered, which I think Colleen Hoover meant to create. So I hoped they would be answered in Losing Hope and I was right! 

Losing Hope is Hopeless but through Dean Holder's eyes, however it is not a recap of Hopeless through Dean's perspective, it is a different story told in the same time line but with lots of new material through out it as well. It complements Hopeless, but the main focus is on Dean's life and how it changed after he found his sister dead. As the reader, you got to go through the whole "Hopeless" journey, but with Dean and his struggles like how he forgave himself for the guilt created by letting down the two most important people in his life; Les and Hope.  

I believed that after the emotionally roller-coaster Hopeless left me on, I would be able to breeze through Losing Hope with the occasional bump in the emotion-coaster, nevertheless I was wrong. 
The first chapter, yes the very first chapter, smacks you in the face with Les's suicide and unlike in Hopeless, you come to discover that Holder was the person who found Les and with these particular siblings relationship you learnt about in Hopeless, this new found revolution just broke my heart and brought me to the brink of tears. 

I loved how we got introduced to a new character, Daniel, Holder's best friend. This answered my question "Did Holder even have any friends?". I also enjoy how we got to see more with Breckin, even though he was a minor character, I still thought he was hugely important in the story. I enjoyed how through out the story you got introduced to things but with a new perspective, for example the e-reader "Breckin" gave Sky for her birthday, which actually Holder bought for Sky and gave it to Breckin. 

What I REALLY enjoyed about Losing Hope was Holder's journal entries (or letter's written to Les). I found this part of the story really compelling. Through these journal entries you got to see how Holder felt and dealt with events presented throughout the book. Oh boy, and then when you found out that Les's had written Holder a letter, all I wanted to do was flip through all the pages and find what she wrote. When I eventually did reach the part where Holder read Les's letter, I thought it a was beautifully written part and in some strange ways, brought closure to me. 

I would recommend Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover to everyone who has read Hopeless and for those of you who haven't read Hopeless I would suggest to hurry up and do so, because I promise you, you will not regret it! Overall, I give Losing Hope 5 out of 5 stars. 
 ★ ★ ★ ★

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